[tei-council] Chapter 6

Lou's Laptop lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jan 17 12:35:36 EST 2008

Brett Zamir wrote:
> Also just a few things for this chapter...*
> 6.4 Rhyme
> *
> After the line, "Non-rhyming lines within such a group may be 
> represented using a hyphen or an x, as in the following example:",
> you have "<!-- example needed -->".
Hmm, yes. We need an example here. Any suggestions?

> Footnote 23:
> "The eccentric formatting of this example is a consequence of the fact 
> that whitespace within the <gi>seg</gi> element is always retained". 
> The formatting doesn't seem to be eccentric here, and I think is 
> having whitespace mistakenly added perhaps by XSL?
Looking at this footnote again, it seems completely potty to talk about 
space within the  *start-tag* rather than within the element. But the 
problem is clear enough -- there is a need to retain spaces between 
words, but not introduce them between syllables and the way this example 
is laid out doesnt quite achieve the intended effect. I'll try to reword 
the note more sensibly.

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