[tei-council] Chapter 6

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Sun Feb 3 14:16:16 EST 2008

LB> Hmm, yes. We need an example here. Any suggestions?

      <lg type="song" rhyme="-a-a-abb">
        <l>How many roads must a man walk down</l>
        <l>Before you call him a man?</l>
        <l>Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail</l>
        <l>Before she sleeps in the sand?</l>
        <l>Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly</l>
        <l>Before they're forever banned?</l>
        <l>The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,</l>
        <l>The answer is blowin' in the wind.</l>
        <!-- http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/blowin.html 2008-02-03 -->

BZ> Footnote 23:
BZ> "The eccentric formatting of this example ...

LB> Looking at this footnote again, ... I'll try to reword the note
LB> more sensibly.

Have you gotten to this yet? (If you did, I'm afraid I didn't notice
the difference. :-) In any case, the problem is not just that the
footnote could be worded more clearly, but that the example as
formatted in the HTML output does not retain the careful use of
whitespace in the source.


| <seg type="foot"><seg type="syll">Ar</seg><seg type="syll">ma </seg><seg type="syll">vi</seg>
| </seg><seg type="foot"><seg type="syll">rum</seg><seg type="syll">que </seg><seg type="syll">ca</seg>

I.e., "Arma vi rumque ca"


|  <seg type="foot">
|   <seg type="syll">Ar</seg>
|   <seg type="syll">ma </seg>
|   <seg type="syll">vi</seg>
|  </seg>
|  <seg type="foot">
|   <seg type="syll">rum</seg>
|   <seg type="syll">que </seg>
|   <seg type="syll">ca</seg>

I.e., "Ar ma vi rum que ca"

If we have no mechanism of saying to the ODD to HTML processor "leave
the whitespace alone on this one", e.g., xml:space="preserve", this
may be a case where use of <eg> over <egXML> is beneficial.

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