[tei-council] TEI Conformance

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Tue Nov 21 12:21:32 EST 2006

Hi James,
It's a very good basis for a future chapter. I would personally  
endorse the two aspects of namespace for extensions and wider use of  
<equiv> (not surprisingly).
Best wishes,

Le 21 nov. 06 à 17:28, James Cummings a écrit :

> In the last conference call I was tasked (though it didn't seem to  
> become an
> action) to re-examine TEI conformance.  I have not drafted a new  
> chapter or
> anything because I don't think we are ready to do so.  However,  
> I've distilled a
> number of people's thinking, and broadly agree with Laurent's way  
> of looking at
> conformance and come up with my own thoughts and types of  
> conformance.  I'm not
> entirely sure about the details (such as names for different types  
> of conformant
> schemas), but wanted to re-open the issue and see how far from  
> other people's
> thinking I've wandered.
> I would be willing to take this further and draft a new chapter,  
> based on and
> expanding the current one, but did not wish to do so until the  
> council had
> debated the issue further, since I am confident that there will be  
> numerous
> outcries against some of my suggestions.
> =====start=====
> Thoughts towards principles of TEI conformance.
> - The existing chapter needs to be significantly rewritten because  
> it does not
> address modern TEI issues.  However, the ideas behind it are useful  
> in any
> attempt to define principles of TEI conformance, and my thoughts  
> have been based
> on the concerns expressed in that chapter.
> - Conformance should not necessarily be an issue for local encoding  
> formats, but
> become important when files are made available for interchange.   
> For example,
> with fragmentary files used locally which are dynamically assembled  
> into a valid
> TEI master document: conformance is only an issue for the master  
> document as a
> whole rather than the individual fragmentary files.
> - The definition of namespaces in XML is central to addressing the  
> problems of
> recognition and collision where multiple XML standards are used in  
> the same
> document.  Since this encourages re-use and and modularisation,  
> wherever
> possible, namespaces should be used to differentiate elements or  
> attributes from
> different standards.  One additional possibility is to recommend  
> that, where
> reasonable, new elements or attributes which have no TEI equivalent
> (documentable via  <equiv>) should be in a separate TEI Extensions  
> namespace to
> avoid confusion and pollution of the TEI namespace.  Having a clear  
> demarcation
> between elements the TEI sanctions, and those which others have  
> created is
> beneficial.  Moreover, dealing with multiple-namespaced documents  
> is becoming
> less of a problem as more tools develop which support this.
> - There needs to be a mechanism, preferably as metadata in the  
> teiHeader, where
> a document instance can record details about the schema against  
> which it is
> intended to validate.  This should include at minimum options for a  
> prose
> description and multiple URI references.  Recommended best practice  
> should be to
> reference the both the ODD and schema URIs when the document does  
> not intend to
> validate against the tei_all schemas.
> What is a TEI document?:
> - A TEI-conformant TEI P5 document must be a well-formed and valid  
> XML document.
> - A TEI-conformant TEI P5 document must validate against a schema  
> derived from
> the TEI Guidelines.
> - A TEI-conformant TEI P5 document must use the TEI namespace for  
> all TEI elements.
> - A TEI-conformant TEI P5 document must have <teiHeader> element  
> which includes
> some elements for a title statement, publication statement and  
> source description.
> - Any new customisations of the TEI schemas should be documented  
> with a valid
> TEI ODD file.
> - Where possible any renamings or new elements, attributes and  
> classes, should
> be related to existing TEI structures with the use of <equiv>.
> Type of TEI Schemas:
> - Pure Subset: A Pure Subset schema is one which is identical to or  
> further
> constrains the tei_all schema.  This may include: the removal of  
> unused
> elements, attributes and classes; the provision of attribute value  
> lists; or the
> further constraint of existing datatypes or content models.  
> However, a document
> instance which validates against a Pure Subset must always also  
> validate against
> the tei_all schema.
> - Renaming Subset: A Renaming Subset schema is one which is  
> identical to or
> further constrains a Pure Subset schema, but which also renames  
> existing
> elements, attributes, or classes.  A Renaming Subset schema can  
> also add new
> elements, attributes or classes, if and only if an <equiv> element  
> in their ODD
> documents an existing Pure Subset equivalent for them.  (e.g.  
> <email> is
> equivalent to <addrLine type="email">).  None of these changes  
> should conflict
> with the names of existing TEI elements, attributes or classes.  A  
> document
> instance which validates against a Renaming Subset schema must  
> always also
> validate against the tei_all schema if the renamings were reversed  
> or replaced
> with their documented equivalents.
> - Modification: A Modification schema is one which modifies a Pure  
> Subset or
> Renaming Subset by: changing existing elements, attributes, or  
> classes; adding
> existing elements or attributes to members to existing classes; or  
> changing
> existing datatypes or content models.  These changes should not add  
> new
> elements, attributes or classes, and all changes should be  
> documented in an ODD.
>  A document instance which validates against a Modification schema  
> is not
> expected to validate against the tei_all schema.
> - Extension: An Extension schema is one which extends a Pure  
> Subset, Renaming
> Subset, or  Modification by adding new elements, attributes,  
> classes, datatypes
> or content models.  One option is for these additions to be in a  
> separate
> namespace.    All changes should be documented in an ODD file.  A  
> document
> instance which validates against an Extension schema is not  
> expected to validate
> against the tei_all schema. [And perhaps the TEI may wish to  
> consider a TEI
> Extension namespace for users.  Then all major customisations for  
> which one is
> not able to provide an <equiv> should be in this separate  
> namespace.  This
> avoids namespace pollutions and deters the addition of elements  
> without the
> provision of an <equiv> where possible.]
> - Supported Extension: A Supported Extension schema is a special  
> case of the
> Extension schema, where the extension has been created and is (to  
> some degree)
> supported by the TEI.  Examples of this include the example  
> customisations the
> TEI provides for including one or all of SVG, MathML or XInclude  
> inside your TEI
> Documents.  A document instance which validates against a Supported  
> Extension
> schema is not expected to validate against the tei_all schema.
> - TEI Based: A TEI Based schema uses ODD to define itself, and may  
> or may not
> take advantage of existing TEI elements but substantially differs  
> from the TEI.
>  If existing TEI elements are used, they must be in the TEI  
> namespace.  A
> document instance which validates against a TEI Based schema is not  
> expected to
> validate against the tei_all schema.  If a TEI Based document does  
> not use the
> TEI namespace for TEI elements, then one supposes it could be  
> referred to as
> inspired but would not be considered conformant in any case.
> =====end=====
> -James
> -- 
> Dr James Cummings, Oxford Text Archive, University of Oxford
> James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk
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