[tei-council] Possibilities for new file names.

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Aug 7 04:31:38 EDT 2006

If it's only the filenames that you want to change, but not the 2 
character identifiers, then there is less work involved. But I still 
think it's a complete waste of time. It would be a lot more useful to 
get some feedback on the *content* of the chapters than the names used 
to identify them on some file system which most people will never see 

I note that Christian's proposals below are not camelCased.

Christian Wittern wrote:
> Council members,
> for the record, I would like to out myself as supporter of moderately
> expanded, mnemonic filenames. 
> James Cummings <James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
> writes:
>>> Some of these are a bit long, obviously, and what I'd suggest is that we modify
>>> the filenames not just to be the first <head> of each of the files, but instead
>>> a sensible human-readable name or phrase which does sum up that
>>> chapter.
> Maybe we can further short the names in the following list by removing
> stopwords like "and", "the" etc. and introduce CamelCasing instead of
> the underbar.  I would also be in favour of setting a limit of 3
> sense-bearing words, in addition to the current 2 or three letter
> name.
> My proposal to change the list would thus be:
> AB.xml -> AB-About.xml
> AI.xml -> AI-AnalyticMechanisms.xml
> BIB.xml -> BIB-Bibliography.xml
> CC.xml -> CC-LanguageCorpora.xml
> CE.xml -> CE-CertaintyResponsibility.xml
> CF.xml -> CF-Conformance.xml
> CH.xml -> CH-LanguagesCharacterSets
> COL.xml -> COL-Colophon.xml
> CO.xml -> CO-CoreElements.xml
> DEDICATION.xml (no change needed!)
> DI.xml -> DI-PrintDictionaries.xml
> DR.xml -> DR-PerformanceTexts.xml
> DS.xml -> DS-DefaultTextStructure.xml
> DT.xml -> DT-ObtainingTEISchemas.xml
> FD.xml -> FD-FeatureSystemDeclaration.xml
> FM1.xml -> FM1-IntroductoryNote.xml
> FS.xml -> FS-Feature-Structures.xml
> FT.xml -> FT-TablesFormulaeGraphics.xml
> GD.xml -> GD-GraphsNetworksTrees.xml
> guidelines-en.xml (no change needed!)
> HD.xml -> HD-TEIHeader.xml
> IN.xml -> IN-RulesforInterchange.xml
> MD.xml -> MD-ModifyingCustomizingTEI.xml
> MS.xml -> MS-ManuscriptDescription.xml
> ND.xml -> ND-NamesDates.xml
> NH.xml -> NH-MultipleHierarchies.xml
> PARTIND.xml (no renaming? or rename to something with 'index' in the name?)
> PH.xml -> PH-PrimarySources.xml
> PREFS.xml -> PrefatoryNote.xml
> REFCLA.xml -> ElementClasses.xml
> REFENT.xml -> Macros.xml
> REFTAG.xml -> Elements.xml
> SA.xml -> SA-LinkingSegmentationAlignment.xml
> SG.xml -> SG-GentleIntroduction.xml
> SH.xml -> SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml
> ST.xml -> ST-TEIInfrastructure.xml
> TC.xml -> TC-CriticalApparatus.xml
> TD.xml -> TD-DocumentationElements.xml
> TE.xml -> TE-TerminologicalDatabases.xml
> TS.xml -> TS-TranscriptionsofSpeech.xml
> VE.xml -> VE-Verse.xml
> WD.xml -> WD-NonStandardCharacters.xml
> this was James second list:
>>> *AB.xml -> AB-About.xml
>>> *AI.xml -> AI-Analytic_Mechanisms.xml
>>> BIB.xml -> BIB-Bibliography.xml
>>> CC.xml -> CC-Language_Corpora.xml
>>> CE.xml -> CE-Certainty_and_Responsibility.xml
>>> CF.xml -> CF-Conformance.xml
>>> CH.xml -> CH-Languages_and_Character_Sets
>>> COL.xml -> COL-Colophon.xml
>>> *CO.xml -> CO-Core_Elements.xml
>>> DEDICATION.xml (no change needed!)
>>> DI.xml -> DI-Print_Dictionaries.xml
>>> DR.xml -> DR-Performance_Texts.xml
>>> DS.xml -> DS-Default_Text_Structure.xml
>>> DT.xml -> DT-Obtaining_the_TEI_Schemas.xml
>>> FD.xml -> FD-Feature_System_Declaration.xml
>>> FM1.xml -> FM1-Introductory_Note.xml
>>> FS.xml -> FS-Feature-Structures.xml
>>> FT.xml -> FT-Tables_Formulae_and_Graphics.xml
>>> GD.xml -> GD-Graphs_Networks_and_Trees.xml
>>> guidelines-en.xml (no change needed!)
>>> HD.xml -> HD-The_TEI_Header.xml
>>> IN.xml -> IN-Rules_for_Interchange.xml
>>> *MD.xml -> MD-Modifying_and_Customizing_the_TEI.xml
>>> MS.xml -> MS-Manuscript_Description.xml
>>> ND.xml -> ND-Names_and_Dates.xml
>>> NH.xml -> NH-Multiple_Hierarchies.xml
>>> PARTIND.xml (no renaming? or rename to something with 'index' in the name?)
>>> *PH.xml -> PH-Primary_Sources.xml
>>> PREFS.xml -> Prefatory_Note.xml
>>> REFCLA.xml -> Element_Classes.xml
>>> REFENT.xml -> Macros.xml
>>> REFTAG.xml -> Elements.xml
>>> SA.xml -> SA-Linking_Segmentation_and_Alignment.xml
>>> *SG.xml -> SG-Gentle_Introduction.xml
>>> *SH.xml -> SH-Other_Metadata_Standards.xml
>>> *ST.xml -> ST-TEI_Infrastructure.xml
>>> TC.xml -> TC-Critical_Apparatus.xml
>>> TD.xml -> TD-Documentation_Elements.xml
>>> TE.xml -> TE-Terminological_Databases.xml
>>> TS.xml -> TS-Transcriptions_of_Speech.xml
>>> *VE.xml -> VE-Verse.xml
>>> *WD.xml -> WD-non-standard_characters_and_glyphs.xml
> While I agree that we have more important&urgent things on our plate,
> my hope is that this change will improve communication and thus in the
> long run benefit our work more than the initial cost will be at the
> moment.
> All the best,
> Christian

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