[tei-council] Possibilities for new file names.

Christian Wittern wittern at kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Aug 6 22:30:00 EDT 2006

Council members,

for the record, I would like to out myself as supporter of moderately
expanded, mnemonic filenames. 

James Cummings <James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>

>> Some of these are a bit long, obviously, and what I'd suggest is that we modify
>> the filenames not just to be the first <head> of each of the files, but instead
>> a sensible human-readable name or phrase which does sum up that
>> chapter.

Maybe we can further short the names in the following list by removing
stopwords like "and", "the" etc. and introduce CamelCasing instead of
the underbar.  I would also be in favour of setting a limit of 3
sense-bearing words, in addition to the current 2 or three letter

My proposal to change the list would thus be:

AB.xml -> AB-About.xml
AI.xml -> AI-AnalyticMechanisms.xml
BIB.xml -> BIB-Bibliography.xml
CC.xml -> CC-LanguageCorpora.xml
CE.xml -> CE-CertaintyResponsibility.xml
CF.xml -> CF-Conformance.xml
CH.xml -> CH-LanguagesCharacterSets
COL.xml -> COL-Colophon.xml
CO.xml -> CO-CoreElements.xml
DEDICATION.xml (no change needed!)
DI.xml -> DI-PrintDictionaries.xml
DR.xml -> DR-PerformanceTexts.xml
DS.xml -> DS-DefaultTextStructure.xml
DT.xml -> DT-ObtainingTEISchemas.xml
FD.xml -> FD-FeatureSystemDeclaration.xml
FM1.xml -> FM1-IntroductoryNote.xml
FS.xml -> FS-Feature-Structures.xml
FT.xml -> FT-TablesFormulaeGraphics.xml
GD.xml -> GD-GraphsNetworksTrees.xml
guidelines-en.xml (no change needed!)
HD.xml -> HD-TEIHeader.xml
IN.xml -> IN-RulesforInterchange.xml
MD.xml -> MD-ModifyingCustomizingTEI.xml
MS.xml -> MS-ManuscriptDescription.xml
ND.xml -> ND-NamesDates.xml
NH.xml -> NH-MultipleHierarchies.xml
PARTIND.xml (no renaming? or rename to something with 'index' in the name?)
PH.xml -> PH-PrimarySources.xml
PREFS.xml -> PrefatoryNote.xml
REFCLA.xml -> ElementClasses.xml
REFENT.xml -> Macros.xml
REFTAG.xml -> Elements.xml
SA.xml -> SA-LinkingSegmentationAlignment.xml
SG.xml -> SG-GentleIntroduction.xml
SH.xml -> SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml
ST.xml -> ST-TEIInfrastructure.xml
TC.xml -> TC-CriticalApparatus.xml
TD.xml -> TD-DocumentationElements.xml
TE.xml -> TE-TerminologicalDatabases.xml
TS.xml -> TS-TranscriptionsofSpeech.xml
VE.xml -> VE-Verse.xml
WD.xml -> WD-NonStandardCharacters.xml

this was James second list:

>> *AB.xml -> AB-About.xml
>> *AI.xml -> AI-Analytic_Mechanisms.xml
>> BIB.xml -> BIB-Bibliography.xml
>> CC.xml -> CC-Language_Corpora.xml
>> CE.xml -> CE-Certainty_and_Responsibility.xml
>> CF.xml -> CF-Conformance.xml
>> CH.xml -> CH-Languages_and_Character_Sets
>> COL.xml -> COL-Colophon.xml
>> *CO.xml -> CO-Core_Elements.xml
>> DEDICATION.xml (no change needed!)
>> DI.xml -> DI-Print_Dictionaries.xml
>> DR.xml -> DR-Performance_Texts.xml
>> DS.xml -> DS-Default_Text_Structure.xml
>> DT.xml -> DT-Obtaining_the_TEI_Schemas.xml
>> FD.xml -> FD-Feature_System_Declaration.xml
>> FM1.xml -> FM1-Introductory_Note.xml
>> FS.xml -> FS-Feature-Structures.xml
>> FT.xml -> FT-Tables_Formulae_and_Graphics.xml
>> GD.xml -> GD-Graphs_Networks_and_Trees.xml
>> guidelines-en.xml (no change needed!)
>> HD.xml -> HD-The_TEI_Header.xml
>> IN.xml -> IN-Rules_for_Interchange.xml
>> *MD.xml -> MD-Modifying_and_Customizing_the_TEI.xml
>> MS.xml -> MS-Manuscript_Description.xml
>> ND.xml -> ND-Names_and_Dates.xml
>> NH.xml -> NH-Multiple_Hierarchies.xml
>> PARTIND.xml (no renaming? or rename to something with 'index' in the name?)
>> *PH.xml -> PH-Primary_Sources.xml
>> PREFS.xml -> Prefatory_Note.xml
>> REFCLA.xml -> Element_Classes.xml
>> REFENT.xml -> Macros.xml
>> REFTAG.xml -> Elements.xml
>> SA.xml -> SA-Linking_Segmentation_and_Alignment.xml
>> *SG.xml -> SG-Gentle_Introduction.xml
>> *SH.xml -> SH-Other_Metadata_Standards.xml
>> *ST.xml -> ST-TEI_Infrastructure.xml
>> TC.xml -> TC-Critical_Apparatus.xml
>> TD.xml -> TD-Documentation_Elements.xml
>> TE.xml -> TE-Terminological_Databases.xml
>> TS.xml -> TS-Transcriptions_of_Speech.xml
>> *VE.xml -> VE-Verse.xml
>> *WD.xml -> WD-non-standard_characters_and_glyphs.xml

While I agree that we have more important&urgent things on our plate,
my hope is that this change will improve communication and thus in the
long run benefit our work more than the initial cost will be at the

All the best,


 Christian Wittern 
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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