[tei-council] gaiji in PCDATA, or <g> in text

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Sun Oct 9 08:51:34 EDT 2005

Sebastian says:

> with the caveat that the macro does not work in all situations
> (because of DTD weird things), so sometimes "text | tei.gLike" is
> needed by hand

Oh dear. I didn't look for "text | tei.gLike", only for
"macro.xtext". Will try to check that later today. (At some point you
should explain this DTD-generation problem to me.)

> ><origDate>         text only
> sure about that?

Pretty sure, although I'm happy to have the MS group over-rule me if
needed. <origDate>, if I understand correctly, is used as a place for
a modern philologist, librarian, or other manuscript describer to put
in the date he thinks is the date of the manuscript's origin, and
would never be used to transcribe a date written in a manuscript. I
could be wrong, though, and if someone wants to argue that such a
manuscript describer should have the capability to record the date in
Elvish (a language not covered by Unicode) ...

> I am very glad you cleared up after my initial "bull in a china
> job" canter through the "text", Syd. This cheers me up.

My pleasure, but don't break out the champagne until I'm done with
"text | tei.gLike". (Although first glance says there are very few
that should be reverted to "text" only.)

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