[tei-council] gaiji in PCDATA, or <g> in text

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Sun Oct 9 09:57:22 EDT 2005

> with the caveat that the macro does not work in all situations
> (because of DTD weird things), so sometimes "text | tei.gLike" is
> needed by hand

OK, I've taken a quick glance at all of these (list appended), and
none of them are obvious candidates for excluding <g>, so I've left
them all as permitting <g>. 

A few questions arise:

<gramGrp>: why does this element have text at all? The content should
           probably be something like
           tei.Incl*, tei.gramInfo, ( tei.gramInfo | tei.Incl )*

<re>: If character data is allowed, then <g> should be allowed. But
      why does this element permit PCDATA at all? I thought it was
      roughly analagous to <entry>, which does not.

<pVar>: the "Note:" information (<remarks>) does not match the
        content model; which is correct?

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