[tei-council] comments on edw90

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Thu Sep 22 23:09:31 EDT 2005

> you want to put an ODD schema fragment in the TEI header???? well,
> its an interesting idea. it is pre-supposed in one of the datatypes
> that values will be defined in the header, so conceivably a
> general-purpose container could be useful.

Not necessarily a <valList>.

I just suggested the following to Lou for age= of <person> (which
represents a demographic age range, not a time duration someone has
been alive):

<person age="#middle-aged">
<!-- elsewhere, very likely in <teiHeader> of same doc ... -->
<codeGrp gis="person personGrp" attr="age">
  <codeDef xml:id="infant">birth to 1 year</codeDef>
  <codeDef xml:id="child">1 to 8 years</codeDef>
  <codeDef xml:id="teen">9 to 19 years</codeDef>
  <codeDef xml:id="young-adult">20 to 30 years</codeDef>
  <codeDef xml:id="yuppie">30-39 years</codeDef>
  <codeDef xml:id="middle-aged">Generally 40-65, but post-menopausal
                                women are in a separate
  <!-- ... -->

This generic mechanism would allow the Schematron rule to be the same
for all tei.data.code elements: "I must point to something whose
parent <codeGrp> has my element name in its gis= list and my attr
name in its attr= list." The 'something' allows us to put
special-purpose elements (like <hand>) in there when needed.

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