[tei-council] directory layout of a TEI distribution

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Jul 3 13:08:55 EDT 2005

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> James Cummings wrote:
>>For the record, I view 'skeletons' and 'exemplars' as completely
>>different things.  The skeleton gives you an empty skeleton framework
>>for starting a particular type of document quickly, whereas an
>>exemplar acts as a detailed example with text demonstrating and
>>explaining particular markup solutions.
> ah. I blame Lou, he told me to use the word "exemplar". you want me to
> revert to "skeletons"?

Well, as long as we are consistent, I don't mind terribly.  It might 
be good to have a collection of actual exemplars or examples.    I.e. 
throughout the Guidelines we have examples of use.  Now usually those 
examples are clearly defined demonstrations of the elements under 
discussion, but often involving all sorts of other elements. Should we 
have (or is there) an easy way to get some sort of index of examples? 
  (i.e. Show me all the examples using <app> or <name>).  Would that 
be helpful to users, or am I off my rocker?


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