[tei-council] directory layout of a TEI distribution

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Jul 3 18:39:41 EDT 2005

I have revised my proposal, with the results appended

I have not changed the XSL layout, as it has a fair few ramifications
for me to clean up.

|-- doc
|   `-- tei
|       |-- html
|       |   |-- base
|       |   |   |-- p4
|       |   |   |   `-- Figures
|       |   |   `-- p5
|       |   `-- exemplars
|       |       `-- p5
|       |-- web
|       |   `-- Query
|       `-- xml
|           `-- exemplars
|               `-- p5
`-- xml
    `-- tei
        |-- odd
        |   `-- exemplars
        |       |-- p4
        |       `-- p5
        |-- schema
        |   |-- dtd
        |   |   |-- p4
        |   |   `-- p5
        |   |-- relaxng
        |   |   |-- p4
        |   |   `-- p5
        |   `-- xsd
        |       `-- p5
        `-- stylesheet
            |-- base
            |   |-- p4
            |   |   |-- common
            |   |   |-- fo
            |   |   |-- html
            |   |   `-- latex
            |   `-- p5
            |       |-- common
            |       |-- fo
            |       |-- html
            |       `-- latex
            |-- odds
            |-- slides
            `-- teic

44 directories

Sebastian Rahtz      
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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