Conference call, Meeting

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at
Thu Dec 18 18:20:42 EST 2003

> Option 1:  Meeting in Genf, around May 13-15 (or even earlier as needed)
> Option 2:  June 7-8 in Goeteborg 
> Option 3:  June 17-18 in Goeteborg

> So please do state for the above
> a) if you could make the date
> b) if you are attending ALLC
> c) if you would prefer to meet in Gent.

a) Yes, I think so, for all 3 options.
b) Yes, I plan to attend ALLC.
c) If meeting in June I have a mild preference for Gent; however ...

... I much prefer option 1, for a variety of reasons, not the least
of which is that my wife says two shorter trips would be easier on
her than one longer one. Furthermore it gives those of us who will be
at ALLC a chance to informally chat face-to-face about what we've
accomplished since the actual council meeting.

I realize it won't be quite enough time for Natasha to get her beauty
rest, but nonetheless ... :-)

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