TEI Council : new Chair

Harold Short harold.short at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 9 17:32:45 EDT 2003

Have been having a lot of trouble getting this message through - trying 

>> Dear Council members
>> I'm very pleased indeed to announce that the TEI Board has invited 
>> Christian Wittern to take the position of Chair of the TEI Council, 
>> and that he has agreed to do so at least until the Members meeting at 
>> Nancy in November, at which point he and the Board will review the 
>> situation.
>> Christian has long experience of the Council, and will, I'm sure, 
>> have your full support.  He will no doubt be following up directly 
>> with work group chairs and on other Council business.
>> As I'm sure you're aware, this message is coming from me as Acting 
>> Chair of the TEI Board, following John Unsworth's move from Virginia 
>> to UIUC.
>> I look forward to seeing some or all of you at Nancy in November.  
>> And my congratulations - I *think* that's the right word - and 
>> certainly my thanks, to Christian.

Best wishes


<p>Harold  Short
Director, Centre for  Computing in the Humanities
King's  College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Tel: +44 20 7848 2739  Fax: +44 20 7848 2980

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