draft notes from yesterday's call

John Unsworth jmu2m at virginia.edu
Sat Nov 30 14:59:20 EST 2002

At 09:39 PM 11/27/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>Those members of the Council not all turkey-ed out may like to check the
>draft notes from yesterday's conference call: they are at
>http://www.tei-c.org/Council/tcm03.html (and .xml)
>Corrections, protests, and cranberry sauce to me by the weekend please.

<p>On number 8, the question of adopting TEI materials from projects 
(Faulhaber, Chesnutt examples), I remember this discussion going a bit 
further and being a bit more positive.  While we agreed that changes to the 
guidelines (e.g., adoption of new guidelines for manuscript description) 
would have to come through the workgroup mechanism, we did agree to adopt 
such materials without promising to update or support them, we agreed that 
the TEI web site might provide an intermediate home for such materials, and 
that the TEI might negotiate a longer-term archival arrangement for these 
(and indeed, all of its) materials with some appropriate (actual) archive, 
and we did agree to make these materials the basis for an experiment in 
certification, to see what it would mean to certify project materials, 
DTDs, etc. as TEI-compliant.  I had an action item on this as well, to 
communicate the Council's conclusions to David and Charles.


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