TEI Guidelines for palm devices

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at brown.edu
Fri Jul 12 22:55:34 EDT 2002

> ... I have created a version of the Guidelines that can be read on
> Palm or PocketPC devices ...


<p>> -- Does the council endorse this kind of republication of the
>    Guidelines? For everybody? For members only?

This is not a council decision, but a board decision, and they have
already decided -- for everybody. From my notes from the board meet-
ing in Progue:

  * Compiled forms (DTD, HTML; others like .lit and other schemas if
    we do them) will be freely distributed. May be re-distributed or
    re-published, although those doing so are encouraged to mirror
    our copy; at the very least to check for most recent version
    before distributing.

  * Reproduction of more than one chapter but less than the whole, or
    making any alterations requires explicit permission from TEI-C.

  * We encourage any and all dynamic derivatives to mirror the
    source. We'll even promote them in that case.

Note that the above items refer to *unaltered* derivatives of P4.
Translations, altered versions, and extracts > 1 chapter are a
different story.

Thus if you make the whole of P4 available you already have the
Board's blessing. The TEI-C would distinctly prefer it if you could
arrange for the website to create the OEB files dynamically (from
either the .p4x or the .html derivative, I presume), as that way when
corrections are made to P4 those getting your derived versino get the
updates automatically. If that's not feasible, though, at least check
for updates and re-create the OEB version frequently. (We -- well,
actually Lou gets the credit -- have already made several minor
changes since the big blue books came out.)

<p>> -- Would this be better placed on the TEI website? (I have no
>    objections of putting it there)

Whether it be *on* the TEI website or *pointed to* by the TEI website
makes little difference to me. But one or the other.

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