Re: You asked for it!

Evan Leeson (
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 15:51:29 -0800

Just a juxtaposition:

Physicists believe in a "true world" in their own fashion: a firm
systematization of atoms in necessary motion, the same for all beings - so
for them the "apparent world" is reduced to the side of universal and
universally necessary being which is accessible to every being in its own
way (accessible and also already adapted - "made subjective"). But they are
in error. The atom they posit is inferred according to the logic of the
perspectivism of consciousness - and is therefore itself a subjective
fiction. The world picture they sketch differs in no essential way from the
subjective world picture: it is only construed with more extended senses,
but with our senses nonetheless - And in any case they left something out .
. .

Friedrich Nietzsche, Will to Power (trans.: R. J. Hollingdale and Walter
Kaufmann; ed.: Walter Kaufmann), New York: Vintage Books (1968), pp.

Forste wrote:

>The eternal recurrence is a neurological phenomenon, and is
>exquisitely bound up with physics, but it is the physics of
>neurophysiology that we need to examine, not the physics of
>Alpha and Omega.

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