Re: You asked for it!

Eric Watt Forste (
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 14:32:56 -0700

Sorry to bore the many people on this list who care nothing for
physics (and with the loud and repeated trumpeting of some of them
that they also care nothing for metaphysics, one wonders what they
do care about, and why they write, and then, quite properly, one
recognizes that they are empty boats and broken records, or rather
-- same thing -- people addressing someone other than oneself).

Rich Tieger writes:
> IF the laws of physics as we know them hold true, and the
> big bang/big crunch theory is true, then the ER must be true.

The evidence for the big-crunch is extremely sparse... indeed, just
the sort of spiderweb of "evidence" that Saint Tipler might use to
snatch at Aquino's laurels. Cosmology, particularly mathematical
eschatology, is still almost purely and entirely a thing of fads,
not evidence. My own fad is Dyson and Linde.

The eternal recurrence is a neurological phenomenon, and is
exquisitely bound up with physics, but it is the physics of
neurophysiology that we need to examine, not the physics of
Alpha and Omega.

Eric Watt Forste ++ ++ expectation foils perception -pcd

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