You asked for it!

Correa&Correa (
Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:12:27 -0500

>I think N was being literal in his theory about ER, but only now is modern
>physics taking it seriously. One even wrote a book "proving" it
>mathematically. (I hate the word "prove", can anything really be proven?)

Jackass and broken record! Modern physics does not give a hoot about
Nietzsche's cosmology! Nor do Chardinists or relativistic paraplegics,
even when they sell books by appearing to co-opt that thought. For this
temerity alone you are going to get a reposting of our personal vomit
of that book that proves nothing save the existence of hollow memories
in automata like you. Here it goes, Mr. Barfaroni- you must press to
the next post, ie delete twice.

Lambda C is not your mother

PS - Some things can be proven: eg that you are a nitwit, suffering from
premature Ence-phallus.

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