Re: You asked for it!
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 09:27:04 -0400 (EDT)

First of all, ad hominem remarks have no place on a philosophic page.
Second of all, I am also a chemist, as well as a philosopher. IF the laws of
physics as we know them hold true, and the big bang/big crunch theory is
true, then the ER must be true. The law of inertia states also that an
object in motion remains at the same velocity (speed & direction) until acted
on by an outside force. As such, when the universe expands, there is nothing
ahead of the last body, therefore all bodies continue on a straight path
(classical mechanics), and on the crunch, the bodies that crunch together
would create a large source of gravity, and thus would pull all bodies
straight towards it. Since we have the law of definate proportion, and the
law of conservation of mass and energy, and the law of inertia, it wouldn't
be logical to deny the ER without denying one of these laws. If you want to
deny one of the physical laws, I wish you luck on your Ph.D. thesis.

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