[sixties-l] CFP: Prisoners Writing: Discourse from Behind Bars

From: Donna L. Rowe (dr70@umail.umd.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 31 2001 - 20:39:38 EST

  • Next message: William M. Mandel: "Re: [sixties-l] Whose Left? (waiting for the Depression_"

    Call for Papers

    Genre seeks essays for its special Spring 2002 issue:

    Prisoners Writing: Discourse from Behind Bars

    The focus of this special issue tackles the broad and compelling topic
    of prisoners writing. Some 2 million Americans are currently behind
    bars. America^s rate of imprisonment is the highest in the world. As a
    vehicle to stimulate a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary
    approaches to
    the genre of prison writing and its social functions, the journal is
    calling for historical perspectives on prison writings, both nationally
    and internationally. In particular, the editor encourages essays on the
    genre that highlight explicit concerns with the theoretical, literary,
    institutional, gendered or political dimensions of discourse from behind
    prison walls. We seek articles that include efforts to evaluate the
    merits of previous approaches to this genre and compare them with those
    more recent formulations. We will consider articles, essays and review
    essays that explore prison culture from the prisoner^s perspectives on a
    broad plane of issues. These perspectives include, but are not limited
    to: the place in literature for contributions of prisoner writings,
    classics of prison literature, inmate artistic cultural expression,
    music driven by the culture of prison life both past and present,
    international perspectives on alternatives to incarceration, immigration
    and exile, resistance and riots, the American ^race to incarcerate,^
    gender dynamics among inmates, staff and their families,
    mothering/fathering from prison, disproportions of race in prisons,
    youth in prison, mental and medical care issues for inmates, queer
    perspectives on imprisonment, living with HIV/Aids, the wave of
    privatization facing America^s prison^s today, exploration of the
    boundaries defining global/national political prisoners, and historical
    reflections on incarceration. Comparative and international studies on
    any of the above topics are encouraged.

    Printed manuscripts, in triplicate and accompanied by return postage,
    should follow the MLA Style Sheet with notes placed after the text.
    Critical articles should not exceed 10,000 words, and non-commissioned
    book reviews should not exceed 2500 words. Deadline for submissions
    is December 1, 2001. All correspondence regarding this special issue
    should be addressed to:

                          Donna Rowe
                   Department of American Studies
                 University of Maryland, College Park
                        2125 Taliaferro Hall
                      College Park, MD 20742
                  (o) 202-371-0088 (f)202-289-7480
                     email: dr70@umail.umd.edu
    (Email address for queries only; no submissions accepted in that form.)


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