Back in the saddle
Thu, 16 Jan 1997 00:00:52 -0500

Sixties Folk,

I think that I have *finally* gotten our new majordomo software and
protocols figured out and that we will now enjoy uninterrupted
service. We also apparently now have a digest function. If you
want the digest version of the list, you can send a message to:

As usual, leave the subject line blank. The message should read:

subscribe sixties-l-digest Your_email_address

Remember that majordomo doesn't need proper names. I'd suggest
that you wait and make sure that the digest function works, and
then, when you have started to receive digest messages, you
unsubscribe the general sixties-l. To do that, send a message to
majordomo (same address as above) which reads:

unsubscribe sixties-l

I'm about to begin to train fellow moderators in administrating our
new system. If you'd like to volunteer to be a sixties-l
moderator, now would be a good time. We could definitely use the

Requirements for moderating are as follows:

1. An understanding of the parameters of SIXTIES-L (described on
our Web page at

2. A very long fuse and the ability to reject inappropriate
submissions with tack and courtesy.

3. Regular access to the internet and a high comfort level with
telnet and pine. Familiarity with the emacs editor is a plus.

Our moderating schedules usually take up 1-2 hours per week.

It's good to be back. I hope that our listmembers will take
advantage of our reappareance and send us some posts to start the
ball rolling again.


Kali Tal
SIXTIES-L Co-moderator