Re: Re: Antiwar Movement & Civil Rights Movement

John Andrew (J_Andrew@ACAD.FANDM.EDU)
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:39:34 -0400

>>Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 00:47:59 -0400
>>Subject: Re: Re: Antiwar Movement & Civil Rights Movement
>>To: Multiple recipients of list <>
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>>X-Comment: sixties Distribution List
Ted Morgan asked "WHAT structural aspects of American society were
challenged (at all) by the CR movement? As opposed to the black power
movement, I see CR as a fundamentally liberal movement (transforming the
South into a model more like the rest of the country via Dem. Party
influence, national legislation, etc.), yet one containing implications and
practices that inclined in a radical direction, that could be and were
taken that way (e.g.,the democratic community organizing base of the poor
people's movement, the potential anti-capitalist strains of MLKing, the
Panthers, the poor people's movement, the very late Malcolm X, etc.) --as
well as the other implications mentioned by drieux re. other groups.
What I meant by that was that fulfilling the promise of the CR movement
was more likely to change the structure of Amer. society than was the
antiwar movement - the latter hoped to end the war in Vietnam, but even if
successful had no access to power nor did it really argue for one - it did
hope, of course, to elect folks who would not only oppose the war but [at
least among the more committed/radical] alter the direction of Amer.
foreign relations - but it would rely on others to do so -
the CR movement, on the other hand, hoped to do so directly - for
instance, the MFDP efforts not only to change the composition of the Miss.
delegation to the 1964 Dem. nat'l convention, but to change the structure
of politics in the state of Miss. -
John Andrew

John Andrew email: J_ANDREW@ACAD.FANDM.EDU
Department of History fax 717-399-4413
Franklin and Marshall College
Lancaster, PA. 17604-3003

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