Re: The War on Drugs

Richard Paleveda (
Sat, 27 Jan 1996 15:53:53 -0500

If you wish to find out more about the "Governments" role in the drug
culture you could research the movies "Reefer Madness" and "Hemp for
Victory." Who knows why it is legal in Holland and not in the USA.
Holland had Religious freedom two hundred years before there was a
Constitution. Maybe we are jut behind on the times. If you do something
under controlled conditions rather than "on the street" perhaps Holland's
logic is better. No need to make primative TABOO's. The government treats
us all like foo's. What poetry, what rhymes. Auto's kill people all of
the time.......I'm a poet and never know it..... There's a fungus among
us.....I am a student at the University of South Florida. I wish you well
on your endeavors.
Please no sob stories around midterms.

RIchard Paleveda
On Tue, 16 Jan 1996, drieux H. wrote:

> volks,
> it does not help me that I have an Uncle who
> in his formative years as a ShrinkWrapper had
> been involved with some of the LSD testing,
> but we all have Black Sheep in our Families I guess,
> but the Real Bone of contention is the apocraphyl study
> that was a running Gag through out the early years of
> the war on drugs, namely that it showed the statistical
> correlation between babies that started out as bottle
> fed going on to the harder stuff like HEROIN.
> does anyone know if those numbers were actually produced,
> or was it merely a rhetorical device that evolved upward
> to LEGEND status in retort to the early War on Drugs?
> Shall we say, it ranks as perchance my second most amusing
> memory of that Struggle, out ranked solely by the time that
> the "T-men" showed up, passed our three Joints to WARN US ALL
> what the Dangerous Marijuana was all about and got back 5 joints...
> ciao
> drieux