Re: Critique-- Group 2

Walker Lamond (
Wed, 24 Apr 96 17:40:28 EDT

hi group 2,

The poetry is exqisite. I would love to comment on the poetry alone, but I
would go on forever. It really is daring and pretty and smelly and toothy
and plastic and grin and gorilla and felicitous and alkaline and chrome. It
is very chrome. When I say poetry I mean the fiction as well of course, I
want to crawl right into my browser and suck my thumb, but really I mean the
whole design, for the design is as much a part of the poetry as the Pope's
dentist, so turn right on thigh and yo mama.
okay listen up (I'm even gonna use numbers)
1. I love teddy
2. don't tell me who explains what, just give me a name--I mean get real
3. hide that theory, test your reader. The design is too hard to understand
anyway. Thrill us at the end so we all go HOOtenany!
4. Palimpset--I don't want to go to the dictionary very often, can I avoid
it? Can we do more poetry mad libs? I mean can we have more than one poem?
I just like it so much, more fun than tickling bugs. This idea of
collaborative art is at the core of this whole hyper-art world. You've
nailed it and it is appropriate for children 4 and up.
5. Caffeine, whoa I mean, where? Once again, fascinating design, but I kept
just getting little letters and dashes in the top left corner. What am I
doing wrong? And if that is all there is could you make them dance? I like
caffeine, caffeine likes me.
6. I want to get in your Frisky pants.

All the writing really is so impressive. I just can't believe that the
design behind it all really makes sense. Really, I don't believe you. Liars.
Artists are all a bunch of liars.

could you do another project just for me?
