random links, gif 89s

John Unsworth (jmu2m@virginia.edu)
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 15:37:28 -0400 (EDT)

I have retrieved, unpacked, and set up a version of the random link
generator, so you can copy it for your own purposes. Here are the pieces:

/home/ensp482/cgi-bin/rand_link/rand_link.pl is the perl script that does
the randomizing. You would need to create your own directory in cgi-bin
and put a copy of the script there, and then edit it so that the linkfile
it points to is your list of links; if you want more than one linkfile,
do this all twice, once each in two different directories.

/home/ensp482/public_html/rand_link/demo.links is the list of links that
will be selected from by the script. No blank lines please (or you'll
get blank results) and no markup other than http:// -- this is not an
html page, just a text list of URLs, one per line.

/home/ensp482/public_html/rand_link/rand_link.html is the html page that
you start on, with an href that calls the script. copy this file to your
project directory and, when you know where the perl script will reside,
edit the html page so that it calls the right script.

http://www.t3media.com/gallery.html is a site with some examples of Gif89
animation--I like the one on the first page, myself.

http://members.aol.com/royalef/gifanim.htm is one of several mirror sites
of a document that has everything you need to know about doing GIF89
animations: have at!

John Unsworth
http://www.village.virginia.edu/~jmu2m/ jmu2m@virginia.edu