Critique-- Group 3

James Mulholland (jsm5q@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU)
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 01:58:17 -0400

This is just a short, general reaction: what I first noticed and
then continued to notice throughout the project was how appropriate the
tiled backgrounds were to the sensation induced by the project. The actual
format of the project seems perfectly suited; not just to the "dreamy"
quality of the backgrounds but the way many of the pages seem somewhat
cluttered with images to be seen so that often I had to lean forward to see
the text of the dreams packed in between all these different objects.
The project doesn't seem to have a particular starting point, maybe its
continually restarting and I certainly received this sense by the repeated
use of and then I woke up, but I found two pages that seemed to be entry
points (concious mind, and a page that had four boxes with dreams #1-4).
Just wondering whether I accidentally stumbled upon something. From the
beginning its diffcult to tell what is dreaming and what is concious
narrative once I got a hint that perhaps there was a lack of distinction in
some of the pages themselves. There were ones that were fairly clear, Nelson
Mandela and The Rapacious Rodent (which was a wonderful page) but certain
other ones seemed to explicitly take into consideration whether the dreamer
was dreaming or not and whether the narrative is a dream or not (the
spinning merry-go round dream, sorry forgot the name) and the dream about
jumping on the bed.