Re: women's center

Kirsten Pardue Smith (
Fri, 6 Dec 1996 11:47:21 -0500 (EST)

I like the color scheme, although the grey is a little hard to read
against the purple.

nice fonts and images (i'm thinking of the dancing women, in particular).
the green under "events and workshops" is a delight. had some problems
with some of the links on that page, however.

calendars were cute (feb 12 chill out?) just an idea: make the events on
the calendar links, so people could find out how to get tickets, the hours
events go from, etc.

notice some spelling problems, but that's not really your problem.

maybe you could provide a more direct link to the emergency page so people
could find it faster and more easily.

image on the community services directory and referrals didn't work for
me. i suspect it is a title for the page, which is desperately needed.

center the top image on the publications page for a more aesthetically
pleasing look. (kevin troy's buttocks don't link to anything...) problem
with image at the bottom of the page, too. just realized that the thing
at the top is a wc. it doesn't really look like one because it's so long.
might want to do something about that.

otherwise, looks great, guys. agian, i really like the color scheme and
the sandy background is a beaut!
