[adhoc] re-voting the conference protocol

From: John Unsworth <unsworth_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 12:19:16 -0500


Since we had only two of four votes submitted by EOB Friday, one in
favor and one against, we have a tie. Therefore, I am calling the
question again, and asking voting members of the steering committee
to vote up or down on the same proposition by Friday, May 20th,
midnight GMT. To refresh your memory, that proposition is:

> "The steering committee accepts and will be guided by the conference
> protocol and its annex, as represented at:
> http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/conf.protocol_5.05.html
> http://www3.isrl.uiuc.edu/~unsworth/conf.annex_5.05.html
> and recommends them for final approval by the executive bodies of the
> Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association
> for Computing and the Humanities, when those bodies meet in June, at
> the annual joint conference."

I point out, with considerable frustration, that there has been no
substantive discussion of the protocol since it was originally posted
on April 28th, and the one no vote in this last round of voting was
justified on the basis of "not having had time to read the stuff
properly." You now have a third week to read these not very lengthy
documents, discuss them, and vote: please take seriously the
responsibility you accepted when you agreed to serve on this
committee, and discuss or simply vote on this critical question.

Finally, I remind the steering committee that our charge is to bring
the governance protocol, conference protocol, conference chair, and
COCH-COSH membership to the executive bodies of the ALLC and ACH, in
the pre-conference meetings that take place starting at 9 a.m. on
June 14th, now less than a month away. We have only decided the
first of those issues, and failure to vote decisively on the
conference protocol puts us further behind on this original schedule:

Wed., May 11: last day to vote on whether to recommend the
                             protocol for final approval by the ACH and
                             ALLC executive boards

                     begin discussion of the program chair

Wed. May 18: wrap up discussion of the program chair

Wed. May 25: last day to vote on the program chair

                     begin discussion of COCH-COSH membership in ADHO

Wed. June 1: wrap up discussion of COCH-COSH membership

Wed. June 8: Last day to vote on COCH-COSH membership

We don't have to take until Friday to vote, so if we have three of
four committee members voting for or against the protocol before
Friday, we can move on to the next order of business, and still have
some hope of making it to Victoria with our business concluded. As
before, I vote in favor of the proposition.

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Received on Mon May 16 2005 - 13:19:19 EDT

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