Re: [adhoc] every beginning...

From: John Unsworth <>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 00:14:55 -0500

On Apr 14, 2005, at 9:46 AM, Lorna M Hughes wrote:

Regarding the governance protocol and the suggested language on voting:

> I think that we need some additional language on the following areas:
> A. That it is the responsibility of a voting member of the SC to vote
> on each issue put forward to vote, and that if they are unable to
> vote, they should make arrangements for some sort of proxy, or (in
> extraordinary circumstances) that they may ask that the voting
> schedule be changed.

I wonder how we'd police the requirement to vote, in practice. I think
it would be good if it were expressed somehow that membership in the
steering committee bring with it some obligation to participate--I'm
just not sure how one could actually enforce that obligation. Lacking
an answer on that point, I proposed counting the votes cast. I would
welcome other ideas for the "voting" section of this document, though.
Proxy might be it, if we made it easy to do (maybe something like "by
sending an email to the chair, one voting member can give his or her
proxy to another voting member of the steering committee for a
particular vote or a period of time")

> B. what should happen in the event of a tied vote (it would be far
> easier if we had an odd number of members of the steering committee!
> But as we do not, we need to clarify this).

We declare, elsewhere in this document, that we'll have five members of
the SC, which I assume is a number arrived at in anticipation of
COCH-COSH membership (they'd qualify for one steering committee
member). Still, if not everyone participates, we could still have a
tie, even with five voting members. We might say that in the event of
a tie, the vote is re-run, with another week for discussion, or the
like. I don't know what else we can really do. I don't suppose that
the committee wants to give tie-breaking power to someone not among the
voting members, or to the chair. Flip a coin?


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