Re: [adhoc] every beginning...

From: Lorna M Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 14:33:28 +0100

Dear All,

How about adding something in the sections on Steering Committee members (presently in II, 3 and 4). We should
say something along the lines of "all members of the SC should be members of the Association that they represent,
and able to participate in SC discussions and voting". I agree that it's hard to mandate participation, but there
should be some sort of statement about the level of responsibility and participation expected of the SC members -
voting members in particular are representing the interests of their Associations, after all, so it's a fairly serious

I think the language that John has suggested on proxy voting is good:
 "by sending an email to the chair, one voting member can give his or her
proxy to another voting member of the steering committee for a
particular vote or a period of time"

To cover ourselves on issues such as tied votes, we could state that the chair has the casting vote, or that we will
be observing some sort of standard committee rules, for example the ACH states that "the proceedings shall be
governed by Roberts' rules of order". Just a thought.

adhoc mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 15 2005 - 09:33:31 EDT

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