Re: ADHO: Getting going again...

From: Elisabeth Burr (
Date: Wed May 26 2004 - 18:52:22 EDT

  • Next message: Elisabeth Burr: "Re: Publications"

    I think, Julia is right, and longer time planning gives continuity and is
    more realistic on the whole.
    It might also allow to get some other people involved.

    Best Elisabeth

    At 14:21 26.05.2004, you wrote:
    >Espen, I think you should contact Wendell, since you'd be the one working
    >with him on this.
    >I wonder whether it would be a good thing to start off with one or two
    >areas that one could really make progress in, rather than trying to tackle
    >the whole long list. I think the area of greatest need is the existing
    >activities of the two organizations which would be performed much better
    >if approached jointly and at the COHCO level: jobs/mentoring and the Busa
    >award. Perhaps this could be the first priority for this year. One might
    >also then look at the rest of the list and come up with a staged approach:
    >pick another small set of related activities that could reasonably be
    >addressed next year, and perhaps a few for the year after that, and come
    >up with a plan for addressing them. I suspect that being able to present a
    >two or three-year plan for developing COHCO activities would be a great
    >way to give concreteness to the whole idea in the membership's eyes.
    >best wishes, Julia
    >>>> B. Activities and initiatives (Espen)
    >>>> Key tasks:
    >>>> - revision of EO paper in the light of discussion.
    >>>> Query: add an ACH person to liaise with EO?
    >>> Would Wendell be a good choice for this? he just rotated off the ACH
    >>> exec but he's imbued with ACHness and might have some free cycles.
    >>I would like to go through the Activities and initiatives section again
    >>so that I (and we) will know when the conference comes whether there is
    >>anything there which should be discussed or presented or both. Has
    >>Wendell been contacted by qanyone? Are there anybody else whi might have
    >>some time to take a look through the paper from last year and give some

    PD Dr. Elisabeth Burr
    Fachbereich 10 - GW 2 B 3430
    Frankoromanistik und Italoromanistik
    Universität Bremen
    28359 Bremen

    Tel. +49 421 218-8236

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