Re: Name

From: Elisabeth Burr (
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 11:07:00 EDT

  • Next message: Espen Ore: "Activities and initiatives"

    I think French is not such a problem, something like this would be possible:

    Fédération / Consortium des Organisations pour les Humanités Computationelles

    Italian would seem to be a problem:

    Federazione / Consorzio delle Organizazioni per l'Informatica Umanistica /
    per le Scienze Umanistiche Computazionali / Informatizzate

    I can't think of any better solution at the moment.

    German is even a bigger problem

    Föderation / Konsortium der Organisationen für Informatische


    At 16:31 14.05.2004 +0200, you wrote:
    >Geoffrey Rockwell wrote:
    >>Dear all,
    >>Do we have a better name than "ADHOC"? At the last ACH/ALLC we discussed
    >>a better name and I don't recall a better one coming up. As I prepare the
    >>publications group I would like to use a different name. Do we have one?
    >>Here are some ideas:
    >>Consortium for Humanities Computing Organizations (CoHCO)
    >>Internatinal Consortium for Literary and Linguistic Computing
    >>Organizations (ICLLCO)
    >>Federation of Computing and Arts Organizations (FCAO)
    >Federation of Organizations for Computing in the Humanities (FOCHum -
    >saving the CHUM)?
    >In any case, should we test the names and acronyms in their French
    >translations (at least)?

    PD Dr. Elisabeth Burr
    Fachbereich 10, GW2 B 3430
    Frankoromanistik und Italoromanistik
    Universität Bremen
    28359 Bremen

    Tel. +49 421 218-8236

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