Re: ADHO: Getting going again...

From: John Unsworth (
Date: Sat Mar 20 2004 - 23:38:02 EST

  • Next message: Julia Flanders: "Re: ADHO: Getting going again..."

    I'm certainly willing to work on the pieces allotted to me (and Lorna,
    and Harold) in Harold's most recent outline of tasks. End of April is
    ambitious, but it won't get any easier if we leave it longer. Let's do
    try to move it along on this schedule: I think members will perceive a
    lack of forward motion between last year's meeting and this one as a
    bad omen for the new arrangement, especially on the ACH side, where I
    think there's going to be a certain amount of concern and uncertainty
    about the terms of membership, renewals, LLC subscriptions etc..


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