ADHO: Getting going again...

From: Harold Short (
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 19:12:17 EST

  • Next message: Espen Ore: "Re: ADHO: Getting going again..."

    Dear Colleagues

    First, my apologies for being so remiss in following up the things we
    be attending to. Our earlier work having been so well received, it
    would be
    a shame to miss the opportunity to build on it effectively. I think we
    just about have time to prepare what is necessary - but I'm sorry not
    to have
    been pushing this along in a more timely fashion.

    Since I know there has been some re-deployment of servers at Virginia
    recently, I may need to re-send this email to individual email accounts.
    Also, in view of the ACH elections, I'm copying it to Lorna, although
    I'm pleased
    that John has indicated to Lorna and to me his willingness to continue
    involvement in the work group.

    My sense is that work to prepare detailed proposals for our colleagues
    the June meetings differs in character (and quantity!) from one area to
    another. I'll begin by setting out my view on this, and would welcome
    comments. When we have an agreed plan, we can press ahead.

    A. Internationalism and multi-lingualism (Elisabeth)
    Key tasks:
      - revision of EB's paper in the light of discussion, and
    firming up of practical policy proposals.
      - link/integrate these proposals with conference proposals (see below).
    Query: would it make sense to nominate an ACH person to liaise with
    EB on this, or would it be sufficient for JF and LH to liaise in the
    context of the conference protocol developments?
    Note: this was set as the theme for the 2004 conference. It is
    unfortunate that the PC rejected a large number of the submitted
    papers addressing this theme, which may be viewed as a missed

    B. Activities and initiatives (Espen)
    Key tasks:
      - revision of EO paper in the light of discussion.
    Query: add an ACH person to liaise with EO?

    C. Publications (Geoffrey)
    Key tasks:
      - develop a publications strategy framework, building on GR's
      original paper, and taking into account subsequent discussions
      and developments
      - the ALLC Committee is in process of approving an rfp for the
    publication of LLC.
      This is about to go to OUP and Blackwell, with a deadline of 30 April.
      The responses need to be considered, with follow-up questions and
      legal and financial advice during May. Assuming both bids are felt
      to be worth considering, both publishers could be invited to give
      presentations to the association committee(s) at Goteborg.
      - previously JU and HS had proposed a publications work group
      consisting of GR and Ray Siemens (both ACH) and Marilyn Deegan,
      Edward Vanhoutte, and Simon Horobin (LLC Editor and Associate
      Editors). This corresponds to a proposal in GR's ADHOC paper.
    Proposal: it would make sense for GR and RS to be involved on
    behalf of the ACH in reviewing the submissions from OUP and
    Blackwell, along wiith LH. The publications work group should
    take into account the publishers' proposals in developing the
    wide-ranging publications strategy proposals for ADHO.

    D. Conferences (Julia)
    Key tasks:
      - Development of a new protocol to govern the annual international
      conference. The new potential of ADHO needs to be taken specifically
      into account. In addition, the recurring difficulties brought
      about by the existing protocol and procedures need urgent review.
      A work group consisting of JF, HS and LH is already in place, with
      the remit to produce a new draft protocol plus associated documents,
      including guidelines for PCs, local organisers, submitters, reviewers
      and presenters.

    E. Organisational structure (Harold and John/Lorna)
    Key tasks:
      - develop a protocol to govern the organisation and operation of ADHO.
    This is very closely linked to F below.

    F. Membership and relationships (John/Lorna and Harold)
    Key tasks:
      - specify the basis of memberships and relationships, and the
      associated conditions, obligations and benefits.

    G. Finances (Harold and John/Lorna)
    Key tasks:
      - specify the basis of income generation and distribution, and
      address issues of ownership.

    Note: the fact that there is less text for E, F and G does NOT mean
    I think there is less work to do in these than in the other areas!!

    Is it feasible that we could aim to prepare drafts for discussion
    amongst ourselves by the end of April? The receipt of publication
    proposals from OUP and Blackwell at the end of April will mean that the
    Publication work group in particular is likely to have quite a lot of
    follow-up work in May.

    We will need to discuss and revise our drafts during May. We need
    if at all possible to complete this process by the end of May so
    that we give our committee/council time to consider the proposals
    before our June meetings.

    Let me know if you think this is feasible. Once again, my apologies
    for not pushing ahead with this more visibly.

    And I hope you are thinking about and discussing with your colleagues
    the question of a name for our umbrella organisation. Nobody,
    including us, likes 'ADHO', but so far we have no viable alternative.

    Best wishes

    Harold Short, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
    King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
    Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 2739 * Fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980

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