Fwd: Bibliographic suggestions?

From: Julia Flanders (Julia_Flanders@brown.edu)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 15:03:54 EDT

  • Next message: Harold Short: "late updating..."

    Not to add too much to our pile of work, but this is a recurring
    question and I'm sure all of us have wished for such a thing... I
    wonder if once ADHO is under way it would be possible to fund a
    proper effort in this direction?

    >Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 16:43:01 -0400
    >Reply-To: "Daniel O'Donnell" <daniel.odonnell@ULETH.CA>
    >Sender: "TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) public discussion list"
    >From: "Daniel O'Donnell" <daniel.odonnell@ULETH.CA>
    >Subject: Bibliographic suggestions?
    >X-Brown-MailScanner: Found to be clean
    >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 May 2003 17:03:14.0039 (UTC)
    >Dear colleagues,
    > I have a question that will betray my ignorance of all things
    >electronic. Where do I look for bibliography on technical Humanities
    >computing questions?
    > I've long wanted to write up my implementation of the TEI apparatus
    >section, but have held off because I've not known how to find out what
    >has been written on the subject of apparatus, database applications in
    >the humanities, etc. I know of the major Humanities computing journals,
    >of course. And I've dabbled haphazardly through various on-line dbases
    >(ISI web of science and some others we happen to have on campus). I am
    >not aware of anything like the MLA or Old English Newsletter for
    >humanities computing. Is there anything? (I must confess that my work
    >as a referee for Extreme Markup suggests that not knowing where to look
    >is perhaps a common problem).
    > Looking forward to your suggestions,

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