Re: State of play

From: Elisabeth Burr (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 05:50:54 EDT

  • Next message: Julia Flanders: "Re: State of play"

    That's my understanding, too.

    > it is only organisations that will be members of ADHO itself, and that
    > individuals will be 'members' of ADHO by virtue of membership in one or
    > more of its constituent organisations. Individuals will become members
    > of a regional chapter by subscribing to LLC, and may become members of
    > other ADHO member organisations by following whatever subscription or
    > admission procedures they have - e.g. TEI subscriptions.

    Perhaps we could add, that during the time from now till the next
    conference work will be done
    on seemingly problematic points by studying similar structures already in
    place in our /other fields.

    What is needed at the moment, according to me, is the approval of the
    members to proceed in the
    direction outlined with the aim of coming up with grounded concrete
    proposals at the next conference,
    and the input of members.


    >The issue of membership benefits across/between the various AHDO
    >organisations is certainly something that will need to be followed up.
    >There are some suggestions in our documents - e.g. reduced fees: for
    >subscriptions, for conferences, and for other member organisation
    >activities - but I'm sure there is scope for imaginative thinking beyond
    >the things we've touched on. And some aspects are bound to be rather
    >thorny - in particular I think of institutional subscribers to LLC who
    >would also like to be institutional members of TEI;. We'd need to have
    >thought clearly about how this would work - one issue in this case being
    >the significant difference between an LLC sub and a TEI sub... Even
    >there, I'm pretty sure John gives a 'for instance' suggestion in his paper.
    >If there is ambiguity either in our thinking or in our wording it would be
    >a good idea to resolve it before we go public, because this is a fairly
    >fundamental issue.
    >I'll wait to see what other comments come in, but later today I'll see
    >what I can do to clarify/resolve any issues raised by adhoc members,
    >particulary in the executive summary.
    >Best wishes
    >On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, at 17:54 Europe/London, Julia Flanders wrote:
    >>I think this all looks good--a very impressive amount of work and
    >>thought, and very thorough. The only point which I had to reread several
    >>times to understand is the question of how membership fees would be
    >>assessed and allocated (but this may be addressed by the idea that only
    >>ACH and ALLC are truly "merging" their membership). I found myself
    >>wishing for some scenarios--person X is a member of the new ADHO group,
    >>and also a member of TEI and STS. How much does she pay, and to whom?
    >>does it matter in what order she joins these groups? I don't think this
    >>information needs to be added to the summary, but we should perhaps
    >>anticipate that people will ask about it.
    >>best, Julia
    >>>Dear All
    >>>John and I have completed an 'executive summary' to go with the papers,
    >>>and the full set is now available on the adhoc web site at:
    >>>We would like to give the url to our respective council/committee
    >>>tomorrow if possible, so that our colleagues have time to read our
    >>>proposals and begin to consider them ahead of the Georgia meetings.
    >>>We had hoped to be at this stage a bit sooner, but I'm afraid my absence
    >>>(on a wonderful holiday! I'm sorry to say) has delayed things. All the
    >>>same, please have a look at the web site as it now is, and at the exec
    >>>summary in particular, and let me know if you can see any glaring
    >>>problems or errors, or if you think anything needs attention before our
    >>>council/committee colleagues are invited to go there.
    >>>Thanks to all of you for some excellent work - in my view, at least!
    >>>Best wishes
    >>>PS I've had a bit of difficulty uploading 3 pdf files to the server, so
    >>>bear with me if you find those particular links don't work at first.
    >>>Harold Short
    >>>Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
    >>>King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
    >>>tel: +44 (0)20 7848 2739/2684 fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980
    >Harold Short
    >Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
    >King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
    >tel: +44 (0)20 7848 2739/2684 fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980

    HD Dr. Elisabeth Burr
    Fakultät 2 / Romanistik
    Universität Duisburg-Essen
    Standort Duisburg
    Geibelstr. 41
    D-47058 Duisburg

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