Re: Publications

From: Julia Flanders (
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 14:02:06 EDT

  • Next message: John Unsworth: "Re: Publications"

    >>Would Kluwer continue to offer its discounted CHUM subscription
    >>rate to ACH members if the relationship were severed? (this is a
    >>minor point of curiosity, not anything substantive)
    >I doubt Kluwer would, but it would be up to them. The point is that
    >we would no longer committ to giving all members a subscription.
    >This would free ACH to have student memberships that did not committ
    >to a subscription to any journal.

    I agree that severing the connection between ACH membership and CHUM
    is the right thing to do--what I'm saying is that I understand our
    current rate for CHUM is contingent on that relationship (in fact,
    contingent on a certain level of membership), so I doubt the
    voluntary rate under the new system would be $50/year. I don't think
    this matters much, I just wanted to clarify it.

    Best, Julia

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