Re: Process Suggestion

From: Elisabeth Burr (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 18:26:41 EDT

  • Next message: Chuck Henry: "RE: Process Suggestion"

    Sorry for not saying hello before

    At 22:15 20.08.02 -0400, you wrote:
    >Thanks, Geoff, for your note (comments below). I hope others will check in
    >at least to say hello, and I hope Chuck might say a word about the
    >Getty/museums version of this same conversation/conundrum.
    >>1. Agree on a chair. We might also agree on a system for managing notes.
    >>My vote is that we rotate note taking.
    >Proceedings of this email list will be (are, have been) archived at
    >, but note-taking at
    >face-to-face meetings will be needed.
    >>2. Agree on a schedule. Harold Short had suggestions regarding some
    >>deadlines that would suit the ALLC, in particular the idea that we have
    >>something for the mid-academic year ALLC meeting.
    >Let's try to establish those deadlines now, or in the next week or so, and
    >include conference calls, face to face meetings, draft recommendations,
    >final recommendations.
    >>3. Have a series of conference calls. The chair would coordinate these.
    >>If the chair doesn't have experience running voice conferences then we
    >>could nominate someone else for the conferences.
    >We need to find a volunteer host for these calls. Does anyone have
    >institutional resources available for this sort of thing?
    >>4. Write a first draft of a proposal to get wider input.
    >The immediate audience for whatever we do in the next eight months will be
    >the executive bodies of the four organizations participating--but there
    >will certainly be others who will be interested.
    >>5. Identify the processes needed to get parts of the proposal through the
    >>respective organizations. Based on this we may need to meet and we can
    >>allocate responsibilities to members of the adhoc group to take their
    >>sections through their organizations. This will take some careful choreography.
    >I think instead we should, at least initially, concentrate on what are the
    >issues to be addressed, and divvy those up---publications, conferences,
    >business and legal services, member services.....others?
    >>7. Hopefully it all comes together in Georgia at the next ACH/ALLC.
    >Actually, our first deadline will be the May TEI Board meeting....
    >>If you all agree to at least the first step then we need people to
    >>nominate themselves or others to be chair. Do not be modest! We need a
    >>chair soon who is willing to herd us by phone, by face2face and by e-mail.
    >Indeed, please.

    HD Dr. Elisabeth Burr
    Fakultät 2 / Romanistik
    Geibelstr. 41
    47058 Duisburg

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