4.0960 ICL Conference; Computational Linguistics Pubs (2/347)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 30 Jan 91 10:55:07 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0960. Wednesday, 30 Jan 1991.
(1) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 91 14:30 EST (223 lines)
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: linguistics conference
(2) Date: Wed, 30 Jan 91 09:36 EST (124 lines)
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: publications in computational linguistics
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 91 14:30 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: linguistics conference
>From Linguist List, Vol. 2, No. 0024. Saturday, 26 Jan 1991.
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 91 06:23:48 EST
From: Pierre Auger <PIEROGER@LAVALVM1>
Subject: CIL92 call for papers
XVe Congres international des linguistes
Quebec, Canada, 9-14 aout 1992
Organise par l'Universite Laval avec le concours de
l'Association canadienne de linguistique (ACL)
et sous les auspices du
Comite international permanent des linguistes (CIPL)
Renseignements generaux
General information
1st circular
XVth International Congress of Linguists
Quebec City, Canada, August 9-14, 1992
Organized by Laval University in collaboration with the
Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA)
Under the auspices of
the Permanent International Committee of Linguists (PICL)
Departement de Langues et Linguistique
Universite Laval
Quebec City, (Que.), G1K 7P4, CANADA
Telephone: (418) 656-5323
FAX: (418) 656-2019
XVth International Congress of Linguists
Organized by Laval University in collaboration with the
Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA)
Under the auspices of
the Permanent International Committee of Linguists (PICL)
Quebec City, August 9-14, 1992
General theme of the Congress: "The Survival of Endangered Languages"
Honorary President: Michel Gervais
Rector of Laval University
Organizing Committee:
President: Pierre Auger
Department of Languages and Linguistics
Laval University
[material deleted. eds.]
DATE AND LOCATION: August 9-14, 1992, Laval University,
Quebec City, Canada
ACCOMMODATION: Hotels in all price ranges and
limited accomodation in university
residences halls.
For information on accommodation,
contact the official tourist
bureau of CIL92, using the providing
Office du tourisme et des congres de la
Communaute urbaine de Quebec
399, East St-Joseph Street
Quebec, (Que.), CANADA, G1K 8E2
Telephone: (418) 522-3511
PASSPORTS AND VISAS: All visitors to Canada, except
residents of the United States, are
required to have a valid passport.
Citizens of some countries are also
required to have a visa. All enquiries
should be addressed to the closest
Canadian embassy, consulate or high
Participants Accompanying Students*
Before 91/03/01: $150 (U.S.) $75 (U.S.) $150(U.S.)
$175(CAN) $100(CAN.) $175(CAN.)
>From 91/05/01 to
92/02/28: $200 (U.S.) $100 (U.S.) $150(U.S.)
$235(CAN.) $125(CAN.) $175(CAN.)
>From 92/03/01 to
92/08/09: $250 (U.S.) $125(U.S.) $150(U.S.)
$300 (CAN.) $150(CAN.) $175(CAN.)
Congress fees may be paid by cheque to CIL92 or by credit card (American
Express, Master Card and Visa).
In the event of a cancellation, part of the registration fee will be
refunded (75% before February 28, 1992, 50% from March 1, 1992 to May
31, 1992). There will be no reimbursement for cancellations received at
the Congress office after May 31, 1992. However, the persons concerned
will be sent Congress registration packets.
* Only participants with an official letter from their
universities certifying their student status will pay the student
registration fee.
[material deleted. eds.]
OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: The languages of the Congress will be
Canada's two official languages, French
and English.
PLENARY SESSIONS: As is customary, the topic of each
plenary session will be introduced by
three or more speakers. This will be
followed by a general discussion.
The topics of these sessions are:
1. Semantics, syntax, pragmatics
2. The word
3. Endangered languages
4. Theoretical approaches to language:
the state of the art and prospects
for the future
PAPERS: Conference papers may take the form of
oral presentations or poster sessions.
Oral presentations are scheduled to last
twenty minutes, including a five-minute
question period. Participants choosing
the poster session will be allowed two
hours. The schedule of papers will be
announced in the third circular.
The following is a provisional list of
section topics:
1.Sounds, phonemes and intonation
2.The word (morphology, lexicology,
lexicography, terminology)
3.The sentence (syntax, function, etc.)
4.Meaning (semantics, lexical meaning,
grammatical meaning, etc.)
5.Spoken or written text (pragmatics,
discourse analysis, etc.)
6.Language and society (sociolinguistics,
linguistic variation, language and
culture, etc.)
7.Language and the individual
(psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics,
language acquisition and learning,
8.The history of language
9.Language planning
10.Survival of endangered languages
11.Theories of language
12.Language and the computer
13.Pidgins and creoles
14.Methodology (data observation,
corpus gathering and processing,
15. Other (language and women, sign
language, the history of linguistics,
Participants wishing to present a paper will be requested to send an
abstract before October 1, 1991. See the 2nd circular (May 1991) for
PANEL DISCUSSIONS: The Organizing Committee invites
participants to propose topics for
panel discussions by April 1, 1991.
Participants whose topic is chosen will
be responsible for organizing their panel
PRE-REGISTRATION: The second circular will be sent to
those who complete the enclosed
pre-registration form.
Pierre Auger
Departement de Langues et Linguistique
Universite Laval
Quebec City, (Que.)
Telephone: (418) 656-5323
FAX: (418) 656-2019
[The French version of the above notice may be obtained by sending
the message: get icl-1992 to: listserv@uniwa.uwa.oz.au]
[A complete version of this announcement is now available through the
fileserver, s.v. ICL92 CONFRNCE. You may obtain a copy by issuing
the command -- GET filename filetype HUMANIST -- either interactively or
as a batch-job, addressed to ListServ@Brownvm. Thus on a VM/CMS system,
you say interactively: TELL LISTSERV AT BROWNVM GET filename filetype
HUMANIST; if you are not on a VM/CMS system, send mail to
ListServ@Brownvm with the GET command as the first and only line. For
more details see the "Guide to Humanist". Problems should be reported
to David Sitman, A79@TAUNIVM, after you have consulted the Guide and
tried all appropriate alternatives.]
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------130---
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 91 09:36 EST
From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@VASSAR>
Subject: publications in computational linguistics
A list of recent internal reports on computational linguistics and
cognitive science from CSL appears below. A more complete description
with abstracts can be had by contacting Yorick Wilks (wilks@nmsu.edu).
Recent Memoranda in Computer and Cognitive Science
Ordering of technical reports listed below write to:
Memoranda Series
Computing Research Laboratory
Box 30001
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003
Wilks, Y., (1990), Smolensky and Fodor on connectionism, CRL,
MCCS-86-79. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y., (l988), Philosophy of Language and Artificial Intelligence,
CRL, MCCS-88-132. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y., (l988), Form and content in semantics, CRL, MCCS-88-137. ($5.00)
Ballim, A., Wilks, Y., & Barnden, J., (l988),
Belief Ascription, Metaphor, and Intensional Identification, CRL,
MCCS-88-138. ($5.00)
Barnden, J., (l988), Propositional Attitudes, Polysemy and Metaphor:
Initial Report, CRL, MCCS-88-139. ($5.00)
Barnden, J., (l988), Towards a Paradigm Shift in Belief Representation
Methodology, CRL, MCCS-88-142. ($5.00)
Barnden, J., (l988), Conposit, A Neural Net System for High-Level
Symbolic Processing: Overview of Research and Description of
Register-Machine Level, CRL, MCCS-88-145. ($5.00)
Fowler, R.H., Slator, B.M., & Balogh, I., (1989),
On Psychological Plausibility in Artificial Intelligence, CRL,
MCCS-89-150. ($5.00)
Barnden, J., (1989), Neural-Net Implementation of Complex
Symbol-Processing in a Mental Model Approach to Syllogistic Reasoning,
CRL, MCCS-89-154. ($3.00)
Barnden, J., (1989), Belief, Metaphorically Speaking, CRL,
MCCS-89-155. ($5.00)
Guo, C-M., (1989), Constructing A Machine Tractable Dictionary From
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, (Ph.D. Thesis) CRL,
MCCS-89-156. ($7.00)
Dunning, T., Farwell, D., Guthrie, G., & Helmreich, S., (l989),
Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Reversible Prolog Programs, CRL,
MCCS-89-164. ($5.00)
Jin, W., (l989), An Experiment of Technical Text Reproduction, CRL,
MCCS-89-165. ($5.00)
McKevitt, P. & Ogden, W.C., (1989), Wizard-of-Oz dialogues in the
computer operating systems domain, CRL, MCCS-89-167. ($l0.00)
Aidinejad, H., Johannes, E., & Balogh, I.L., (1989), Line Extraction
from Images Using Chain Codes, CRL, MCCS-89-169. ($5.00)
Ball, J.T., (l990), A Consideration of PROLOG, CRL, MCCS-90-171. ($5.00)
Ball, J.T., (l990), UNIX Help Systems with Natural Language
Interfaces, CRL, MCCS-90-172. ($5.00)
Barnden, J., (l990), Naive Metaphysics: A Metaphor Based Approach To
Propositional Attitude Representation (Unabridged Version), CRL,
MCCS-90-174. ($5.00)
Roseborrough, M.J. & Ball, J.T., (1990), Phase I Development of an
ULTRA Interface, CRL, MCCS-90-176. ($5.00)
McKevitt, P., (1990), Data acquisition for natural language interfaces,
CRL, MCCS-90-178. ($5.00)
Pan, Z. & McKevitt, P., (1990), OUI - A User Interface for OSCON, CRL,
MCCS-90-179. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y. & Hartley, R., (1990), Belief Ascription and Model Generative
Reasoning: joining two paradigms to a robust parser of messages, CRL,
MCCS-90-180. ($5.00)
McKevitt, P. & Ogden, W.C., (l990), OSWIZ II: Wizard-of-Oz dialogues
in the computer operating systems domain, CRL, MCCS-90-181. ($ll.00)
Iverson, E. & Hartley, R., (l990), Metabolizing Music, CRL,
MCCS-90-183. ($3.00)
Barnden, J. & Srinivas, K., (1990), Encoding Techniques for Complex
Information Structures in Connectionist Systems, CRL, MCCS-90-186. ($5.00)
Barnden, J. & Srinivas, K., (l990), Overcoming Rule-Based Rigidity &
Connectionist Limitations through Massively-Parallel Case-Based
Reasoning, CRL, MCCS-90-187. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y. & Farwell, D., (1990), A White Paper on Research in
Pragmatics-based Machine Translation, CRL, MCCS-90-188. ($5.00)
Candelaria de Ram, S., (1990), Real-world sensors, meaning, or
mentalese, CRL, MCCS-90-189. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y. & Fass, D., (1990), Preference Semantics: a family history,
CRL, MCCS-90-194. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y., (l990), Where am I coming from: The reversibility of
analysis and generation in natural language processing, CRL,
MCCS-90-195. ($3.00)
Farwell, D. & Wilks, Y., (l990), Ultra: a Multi-lingual Machine
Translator, CRL, MCCS-90-202. ($5.00)
Wilks, Y., Barnden, J., & Wang, J., (l990), Your metaphor or mine:
belief ascription and metaphor interpretation, CRL, MCCS-90-205. ($5.00)