[tei-council] standoff

Fabio Ciotti fabio.ciotti at uniroma2.it
Fri Nov 28 12:26:37 EST 2014

> I can see all three being potentially useful. I suppose <xenoData> and <standoff> could be combined into a <miscellaneousCrap> container if you wanted, but I’m not sure there’s any advantage to that. I don’t think forcing people to learn METS in order to add a bit of Dublin Core to their TEI doc is wise.

No, METS is impossible to learn there are infinite possible ways to do
the same thing! That is why they invented Profiles. And now there are
hundreds of profile!

Seriously, I see the usefulness of a METS TEI profile, just for those
who want to face the dark side (just seen star war VII teasers). Just
a side project, as many others.
There is a value in trying to put TEI in relation with all standards
data and metadata languages, to stay inside the ecosystem. That is why
i think it is good to be able to host extra metadata (could this be a
nice alternative to xeno??? it means more metadata and at the same
time extraneous metadata).

As for where to put standoff element. I still think that having it
inside teiHeader, and preferably inside profileDesc is the right way
to go if you keep together your standoff stuff and your base data
(text or whatever). But there is a point of having a stand-alone doc
with general and reusable standoff staff. Maybe this thing could be
managed using xinclude??? (just thinking aloud)


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