[tei-council] changing TEI XSL stylesheets

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Mon Sep 8 09:48:14 EDT 2014

[Reminder of the problem: The content of the <a:documentation>
elements in the output RNG are now being generated slightly
differently than before, presumably because my change for generating
pop-ups in tagdocs changed how <gloss> or <desc> is processed.]

> Will take a look ... 

At the moment I can't figure out how this *ever* worked, let alone
what broke. Both in the current version of the Stylesheets and in an
old version (2014-07-01):

 * The <a:documentation> elements seem to be generated from

 * No matter which of the 4 places that <a:documentation> is created
   in odds/teiodds.xsl, the content is generated by
      <xsl:sequence select="tei:makeDescription(.,true())"/>

 * The makeDescription() functions is declared in

 * That function does a bunch of language testing, but after spitting
   out the gloss it boils down to
     <apply-templates select="tei:desc" mode="inLanguage"/>

 * The template for <desc> with mode "inLanguage" is in
   odds/odd2lite.xsl. But this template spits out a TEI <seg> element
   (potentially with an xml:lang= attribute) around the contents of
   the <desc> being processed (which is just processed with

There's no <seg> in the output <a:documentation>, so I must be
missing something.

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