[tei-council] changing TEI XSL stylesheets

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Sun Sep 7 19:33:10 EDT 2014

> Kudos to Syd! ...

What? The "prize" is a kudos from SPQR? I want my money back.

Sadly, though, Mr. Jenkins is not as forthcoming with congratulations
as Sebastian. The problem is that the generated test.rng and the
expected-results/test.rng are quite different. I could (and will) fix
this quite easily by generating a test.rng and checking it into
expected-results/. But I note that the differences are all whitespace
differences, which we have no control over. We would prefer an
XML-aware differencing engine to the `diff` we're currently using.
But that's tought to do. However, I'm wondering if we shouldn't at
least add "-Bbw" or some such to the `diff` cmd.

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