[tei-council] List @type musings

syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Fri Aug 29 18:42:08 EDT 2014

I cry foul!

The rend= attribute of <list> is currently defined in Subversion as
data.enumerated with an open value list. This means that, at the core
of it, it is declared as "xsd:Name+". Sadly, this introduces a
serious constraint on the permissible values of list/@rend as
compared to att.global/@rend, because the latter is declared as
data.word+, or:
  xsd:token { pattern = "(\p{L}|\p{N}|\p{P}|\p{S})+" }
(The parenthesized set there means "any letter, numeral, punctuation
mark, or symbol"; i.e., any Unicode character is allowed except
marks, separators, and others.)

The point is that, in general, the Guidelines do allow punctuation
marks and symbols in the value of @rend. Thus I could have
  <list rend="slant(italic)">
using the current release of the Guidelines, but the development
version in Subversion would call that an error.

It may be possible to declare list/@rend as data.word+ with a
constraining open value list. Maybe I'll try that in a bit. But it
would be unlike all the other attributes which have enumerated lists
of possible values -- they're all data.enumerated, as they should be.

Sorry to say, Martin, I am really beginning to lean away from even a
set of suggested values for list/@rend.

BTW, Fabio. I don't know how RDF defines sets, bags, and lists, but
we did it first. See
which has been around since P3. :-)

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