[tei-council] List @type musings

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Wed Aug 6 13:47:15 EDT 2014

Hey, Martin --

It's not that I feel @rend is not the right way to do this. Yeah, I
have a mild preference for @rendition, or even @style, but certainly
not a big one. I think it's that I'm nervous about the Guidelines
making suggestions about what the values of @rend should be. I think
I have some bit set in the back of my mind that holds that the
Guidelines should either be recommending a complete system for
describing how text on a page (or other TBO) looked, or leaving @rend
as a grab-bag for projects to decide about.

Yeah, that's what makes me uncomfortable with a <valList> (even an
open one) for @rend. After all, there are *no* other <valList>s for
@rend in the Guidelines; and I suspect there never have been.

Perhaps I just need to reset that bit ...

> I think you feel as I do, that @rend is not the way to do this; it
> should be @rendition or @style. But we're only attempting to
> provide a smooth migration path for users from the old system.
> One alternative is to provide these values as a suggestion in the
> source code only, with a strong recommendation that they ONLY be
> used for cases where a project is being migrated from @type, and
> that all new projects should use @rendition/@style.

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