[tei-council] rowing back on <mixedContent>

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jul 4 13:33:18 EDT 2014

On 4 Jul 2014, at 18:22, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca> wrote:

> On 14-07-04 08:12 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>> if people want DTDs, thats fine by me. I’ll convert their Pure ODD markup to DTD syntax for them.
>> However, it may well be invalid DTD if they don’t understand what they’re doing.
> I think this is very dangerous. I know of several long-standing TEI users who have never used anything except a DTD and don't know how to use anything else

sure. and they can shoot themselves in the foot now, using Roma, and make an invalid DTD. It is not hard at all.

> …. their assumption is that you create an ODD file (usually with Roma), you tweak it maybe in oXygen, and you get a DTD from it (again usually with Roma).

and their assumption would remain true, so long as we remember to keep the P5 source to that subset of things that
make deterministic DTDs. Believe me, Lou, Syd and I have all invested many many hours in staring at TEI content
models and working out why they don’t translate to valid DTD. Its a very delicate balancing act. Moving to Pure ODD,
<mixedContent> or not  really wouldn’t make any difference to that issue.

> I think they would be quite happy to move to RNG if prompted, but they've never seen a reason to do it; but mainly what they want from us is a system that protects them from the complexities of writing actual schemas and just works.

sure. no change there. and its very very hard to guarantee
Sebastian Rahtz      
Director (Research) of Academic IT
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

Não sou nada.
Nunca serei nada.
Não posso querer ser nada.
À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo.

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