[tei-council] Popup bibliography references in the Guidelines

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Thu Jul 3 20:26:12 EDT 2014

Incidentally, I noticed something odd when testing this. If you're using 
IE on Windows, could you go here:


and confirm that you see, as I do, four strange bullet points mixed in 
with the navigation links at the top left of the page?


On 14-07-03 05:22 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
> Some of you might remember that last year I added some JavaScript to the
> Guidelines HTML output that modifies what used to be jumping-links from
> the text down to the footnotes into a slightly more elegant system
> whereby a footnote now shows in a popup without causing your browser
> window to jump around. For a long while I've been intending to extend
> that so that it also handles bibliography links. I had time to do that
> on the plane home, and it's now in the Jenkins builds. For example, if
> you go here:
> <http://teijenkins.hcmc.uvic.ca/job/TEIP5/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/CE.html>
> and look for the reference "Kay (ed.) (2007)" and click on it, you
> should see it show in a popup instead of bouncing you off to the
> BIB.html page.
> As with the previous footnote code, this fails gracefully; if you have
> JavaScript turned off, or your browser refuses to do this for some
> reason, you'll just default to bouncing to the BIB page as before. If
> you're looking at a purely local copy of the Guidelines on your hard
> drive, Chrome does refuse to do this because it's suspicious of your
> intentions, so you just get the normal link behaviour.
> I've tested this in Firefox, Chrome, and Opera on Linux, and IE on
> Windows, and it seems to be working everywhere. I'd appreciate a bit of
> testing on Safari and on Mac versions of browsers if you have a minute.
> For anyone interested in how this works: it creates an invisible iframe
> after the page has loaded, and loads the BIB.html page into it, so that
> it can then retrieve the bibl references from there and put them in the
> popup. There is no actual change to the Guidelines HTML code at all;
> it's all done by JS that runs after the page loads. I'm as uncomfortable
> with iframes as the next person, but this one never actually appears in
> our HTML, so I think it's worth it.
> Cheers,
> Martin

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