[tei-council] note in sourceDesc

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Tue Mar 11 13:38:09 EDT 2014

*Last week my suggestion that it would be convenient if <note> could 
appear within <sourceDesc> kicked off  a lot of discussion, which you 
can read on the sourceforge tracker at [feature-requests:#500] 

The discussion went in several directions, as is often the way, and 
didn't reach a definite conclusion. However there did seem to be 
agreement that adding model.noteLike into the current content model for 
<sourceDesc> would be an innocuous change, if not an enhancement. 
Opinions varied as to the rationale for this, and also as to possible 
implications for other modifications of the header.

As this is a real requirement on my part I'd like to press ahead and 
make at least that modification before the next release. Does anyone 
have any objection to my doing so?


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