[tei-council] Oxford Face to Face: 30 June - 3 July: Lunch question

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Thu Feb 20 11:19:12 EST 2014

Hi all,

It looks like the place we had the meeting last time (Rewley 
House) does indeed have space in a meeting room on the 30 June - 
3 July, especially if I book soon.  In order to book and pay with 
a single purchase order I need to know what we are doing for 
lunches.  For those who came to this location last time, we had a 
'meeting lunch' in the room two days and a 'dining room lunch' 
one of the other days.

I also need to get people's dietary restrictions (don't rely on 
me remembering!). I will assume you are a meat eating omnivore 
with no substantial allergies if you do not email me (offlist).

If I can get a quick show of hands...if the options are:
a) Dining Room Lunch: 3 courses, downstairs in the same building. 
Quick, close, hot, limited options.
b) Meeting Room Lunch: Sandwiches and goodies brought to room. 
Quick, in-room, cold, lots of bread.
c) Go somewhere else: Go out for lunch to a different place each 
day. Takes more time, more complicated to organise/get agreement, 
but more of a break.
d) some combination of the above (please specify).

which do you prefer? (All members of Council have a vote!)


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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