[tei-council] hackathon workshop submission for DH2014

Mylonas, Elli elli_mylonas at brown.edu
Tue Feb 18 17:22:49 EST 2014

Hi all:

Sebastian, Hugh, Arianna and I have put together a proposal for a hackathon
pre-conference workshop at DH2014.

Please view here:

Please take a look, and send comments/feedback to the list. If you want to
add a comment to the document that's fine, too, but preferably don't edit
directly so we can keep track of changes. [except for James and Hugh who
have to put in their expertise and bios]

We'd like to submit this on Thursday, so whatever hasn't been said by
Thursday morning won't be taken into account.

So far, we have positive feedback from the board who will be approving the

One request - do you have suggestions for another expert from outside TEI
whom we might invite to the hackathon? someone who'll have the time to
attend and who is likely to be at DH2014.

thanks, --elli

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