[tei-council] list types and rends: bug 460

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Sat Dec 21 12:49:22 EST 2013

On 20 Dec 2013, at 19:54, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca> wrote:
> 	Recommendation:
> 	Leave "gloss" as a suggested value for @type.
yes. for all its weirdness.

> ..

> 	Recommendations:
> 	Remove "simple" as a suggested value from @type, and make it a 
> suggested value on @rend.
> 	Render it as list-style-type="none" (i.e. no bullets), so that it has a 
> function distinct from "bulleted".
> 	Change usage in the Guidelines prose to rend="bulleted" where we 
> actually intend bullets.
> 	Change examples of @type="simple" to @rend="simple”.

Agreed. because people who have been using @type=“simple” for years
to mean “unordered” can carry right on doing so. If Stylesheets doesn’t
do what they expect, they never had any guarantees from there.

> "ordered": As we have discussed on the ticket and in meetings, "ordered" 
> and "unordered" are really meaningless; all lists are ordered and cannot 
> be otherwise. Neither are they types of list
some danger here in flying in the face of the rest of the world, who
use <ul> and <ol> happily. In most cases one would expect things like
that to map to @type in TEI. But I accept your arguments
> 	Recommendations:
> 	Remove "ordered" as a suggested value for @type.
> 	Add "numbered" as a suggested value for @rend.

hmm. I am less happy about that.  if, for example, you
use a sequence like a), b). c), calling it “numbered” doesn’t
really fit the bill. I’d actually keep @rend=“ordered”, simply
cos the rest of the world does so.

> 	Provide examples of the use of @style="list-style-type: [whatever]" to 
> show the range of different numbering options available through @style 
> with CSS.

> 	Change all instances of @type="ordered" in the Guidelines to 
> @rend="numbered”.
not entirely happy

> 	Update processing to render list[@rend="numbered"] as HTML <ol> (and 
> PDF equivalent).
> 	Rewrite all examples of list[@type="ordered"] in the Guidelines, along 
> with associated prose, to @rend="numbered" or to use @style.

> "bulleted"/"bullets": This is clearly a rendering feature, not a type of 
> list.
again, “bullets” is very specific rendering. I have always disliked that.
I wish there was another word… But I think I can’t fight it.
> 	Recommendations:
> 	Remove "bulleted" as a suggested value for @type.
> 	Add "bulleted" as a suggested value for list/@rend.
> 	Change all examples using @type="bullets" to @rend="bulleted".
> 	Add processing for @rend="bulleted" to produce HTML <ul> and PDF 
> equivalent.
> 	Add examples showing the use of @style with CSS for various bullet types.
agreed, with sadness

> "specList": There is only a single example of this, in the FT chapter. 
> It looks odd, and I think it might be a survival from a previous 
> incarnation of the chapter, since it duplicates to some extent the 
> <specList> directly above it (although it does provide more detail). It 
> renders with no bullets or numbers.
> 	Recommendation:
> 	Look at the possibility of eliminating this bit of the Guidelines. If 
> it is retained, re-encode it with @rend="simple”.
or @rend=‘specList’ presumably

> "inline": This only appears in one example, but it is clearly a 
> rendering feature (in CSS terms, it means "display: inline").
> 	Recommendations:
> 	Add "inline" as a suggested value for list/@rend.
> 	Add processing for @rend="inline" to create inline lists in HTML and PDF.

> "runon": This appears in examples in 
> <http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/CO.html#COLI>, in 
> conjunction with @type="ordered". It appears to be doing the same job as 
> "inline" above.
> 	Recommendations:
> 	Replace rend="runon" type="ordered" with rend="inline numbered".
> 	Update preceding prose to clarify what "inline" means here.
fair enough.

I am in two minds as to whether the Stylesheets should support the old @type values as well
as the new recommended @rend values
Sebastian Rahtz
Director (Research) of Academic IT
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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