[tei-council] build failure

Syd Bauman s.bauman at neu.edu
Thu Dec 12 22:04:55 EST 2013

I just checked-in changes to Stylesheets (in gitHub) and to P5. The
latter failed to build on Jenkins, I think because it is not using the
changes of the former. The former failed to build on Jenkins, and I
have no idea why. (It fails to validate test.epub, which has nothing
to do with the change I made, which was to extract-isosch.xsl.) Nor do
I understand why the TEI build was attempted (or maybe just finished?)
before the Stylesheet build, when I pushed the Stylesheet changes ~5
mins before I committed the P5 changes.

I also can't get P5 to build on my Ubuntu desktop; but it does build
on my Mac laptop. This is weird, because it dies on trying to generate
PDF with xetex, which is installed in Ubuntu but (as far as I
remember) not on my Mac. This is frustrating, because I don't care
about the PDF version, I just want to check for errors and have an
HTML version of the Guidelines. I've spent > 3 times as much time
trying to get P5 to build than I have making the changes to
extract-isosch.xsl and validators.xsl.

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